Monday, December 7, 2015

Emulation Project: "Geraldo Seizes the Day"

Geraldo is a color-changing anteater who lives in Blueville.

Geraldo is bored of drawing birds on the floor of his messy apartment.  He decides it is time for an outing.

Geraldo decides to visit his mermaid friend, Erma, who lives in Orangeville.  Erma has a sick-nasty faux hawk.

He attends the signing of her newest literary masterpiece, How You Too Can Have a Sick-Nasty Faux Hawk.

Geraldo goes to see what the foxes of Redville are up to.  He is told they are having a dance party.

Geraldo can't memorize the choreography to save his life, but his free stylin' is out-of-this-world.

A solid work out always makes Geraldo hungry.  He goes to Greenville for a bowl of fiddleheads.

Yum, yum, or, as the French would say, miam, miam, Geraldo thinks to himself.  The fiddleheads are delicious.
     For my emulation project, I emulated a series of photos taken by Sophie Calle, which feature monochromatic plates of food, and text captions.  I created monochromatic photos, but instead of using food as my subject, I created clay beings reminiscent of clay sculptures I made as a child.  This made the project more significant to me personally.  I felt it was important for me to make the project my own even though it's an emulation, because feeling that it belongs to me helps me feel more connected to my work.
     I originally planned to create a project with an anti-death penalty message.  While that message is important to me, I found myself struggling to come up with a way to execute it (no pun intended) and I also wasn't in the mood to focus so much energy on such a heavy topic.  I would like to create a project with this message at some point, but I'm glad I didn't force myself to complete it when it was clear it just wasn't the right time.

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