Monday, November 2, 2015

Still Life Final Picks and Reflection

For my still life photos, I wanted to avoid cliches and find a way to make the ordinary appear extraordinary.  I also had to do something different from my last project, so pictures of plants were a no-go.  At first, I thought I wanted to just take pictures of different arrangements of hair, because I like images that are a little grotesque and "grungy", but it was very hard to take focused pictures of hair with my camera.  I also found most of the focused ones I did take rather boring.  The one I did really like was the "Get over it" picture shown here, which was created using scotch tape and my hair. For the other photos, I found white objects (including paper, which I crumpled to form crevices and planes that light would hit in contrasting ways) with the intention of creating black and white photos with odd shapes, textures, and shadows.  The results are surreal and I'm happy with them, although there are some I definitely prefer over others.  My favorites are the top photo and the "Get over it" photo.

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